One Thous和 Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Choose Cedarville for College Credit Plus

加入成千上万像你一样通过俄亥俄州的大学学分加(CCP)项目参加了塞达维尔大学双招生的高中生吧. Earn free dual credit through our online, on-campus, 和 summer residential courses.

什么是CCP ??

大学学分加分是由俄亥俄州高等教育部(ODHE)运营的一项资助计划,旨在促进严格的学术追求,提高学生的大学和职业准备. 俄亥俄州7-12年级的合格学生可以免费学习大学课程, 在顺利完成课程后获得高中和大学学分.

To learn more, watch helpful CCP explanation videos,查看此 CCP overview, or watch a 网络研讨会 hosted by Cedarville about homeschooling with CCP.

Female high school student sitting at table typing on computer

Get Started With CCP!

1) Determine if You're Eligible for CCP

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be an Ohio resident
  • 在俄亥俄州的公立、私立或家庭学校就读7-12年级
  • Demonstrate college readiness through one of the following:
    • Have a cumulative unweighted high school GPA of at least 3.0
    • Have a cumulative unweighted high school GPA of at least 2.75 和 have received an "A" or "B" grade in a relevant course
    • 获得一个 eligible test score on a CCP-approved assessment exam

2) 沙巴体育 和 Get Accepted to Cedarville

遵循 Dual Enrollment admissions process to apply to Cedarville. Applications are accepted year-round.

New students如果你需要一封来自Cedarville的录取信来完成你的CCP资助申请, please submit all application materials by March 15.
Returning students如果你参加了雪松维尔大学的课程,你不需要重新申请雪松维尔大学. Expect to receive a letter of good st和ing by mid-February; contact CCP at Cedarville if you can't locate the letter.

3) Complete the Mature Content Permission Form

CCP要求让家庭意识到一些大学课堂上可能出现的成熟或成人内容. To use CCP funding, 家长和学生都必须填写CCP成人内容许可表,也就是 emailed when your application is submitted.

以下关于课程内容的声明是作为俄亥俄州HB 110和ORC 3365的要求发布的.035:
在大学学分加计划下注册的课程的主题可能包括成熟的主题或材料, including those of a graphic, 显式的, 暴力, or sexual nature, 无论在哪里进行课程教学,都不会根据大学学分加学员的参与情况进行修改.

At Cedarville, 所有课程都将符合大学对学术质量和使命的期望,并将由与大学完全一致的教授授课 doctrinal statementcommunity covenant.

4) 沙巴体育 Annually for 中国共产党的资金

每年在4月1日下午5点截止申请前申请CCP资助.m. 美国东部时间. 请注意,Cedarville的IRN(信息检索号码)是063636.

Public school students: 联系 your guidance counselor 和 submit your Intent to Participate form by April 1 each year.
Private school students让你的指导顾问知道你计划在雪松维尔注册CCP课程, 和 apply for CCP funding using an OH|ID account. 新生将上传他们的录取通知书到这个账户, 而归国学生将上传他们的良好信誉信. 最后, 提供一份PDF格式的CCP奖励通知给你的高中和你的Cedarville顾问.
Homeschool students: 沙巴体育 for CCP funding using an OH|ID account. 新生将上传他们的录取通知书到这个账户, 而归国学生将上传他们的良好信誉信. 最后,向你的Cedarville导师提供一份CCP奖励通知的PDF副本. Learn more by watching these helpful 在线研讨会 about homeschooling with CCP.

联系 ccp@education.俄亥俄州.政府 with questions about applying for funding.

5) Complete Orientation 和 Advising

Once you've been accepted to Cedarville, 您将收到一封来自双重注册顾问的电子邮件,其中包含访问这些任务的说明, which you'll complete before registering for courses:

  • View the College Credit Plus orientation
  • Meet with your high school counselor
  • Meet with your Dual Enrollment advisor
  • 审查 The Cedarville Experience student h和book

6) Choose 和 Register for 课程

You're now ready to explore course options! 为了注册课程,你需要在开学前联系你的指导老师 registration deadline.

Funding Your Student's 课程

你有三种付款方式,由俄亥俄州高等教育部概述. 请注意,CCP不会部分资助课程,也不会资助其他课程 CCP eligible*. Cedarville's online course list details which courses are eligible for CCP funding.

CCP Option A

You pay for tuition, books, 和 fees. 这门课程被视为CCP课程,并被添加到你的高中和大学成绩单中.


CCP支付你的学费,Cedarville免除课程费用,你的高中提供书籍. 这门课程被视为CCP课程,并被添加到你的高中和大学成绩单中.

Family Pay Option

You pay for tuition, books, 和 fees. 该课程不算作CCP课程,只会被添加到你的大学成绩单中.

*您可以通过家庭支付选项选择不符合CCP资格的课程. 问问你的高中辅导员,这些课程是否可以加到你的高中成绩单上.

For more information, visit:

Dual Enrollment 成本

I Have Questions!


How much funding should I request?


How much CCP funding can I use?

俄亥俄州教育局或你的高中辅导员会让你知道你每年获得了多少学分. In general, CCP students are allowed:

  • An annual maximum of 30 credit hours
  • A lifetime maximum of 120 credit hours
  • 从九年级开始最多4年的高中资格(资格在大四春季学期结束)
How much funding should I expect to receive?

俄亥俄州公立学校的课程从30学分限额中扣除. 对于私立学校和家庭学校的学生,每年授予的学分不同.

中国共产党的资金 Application Deadline

Can I apply for funding after the April 1 deadline?

公立学校的学生可以向他们的校长提出申请,要求迟交参加意向表. CCP在4月1日下午5点之后不接受私立学校或家庭学校的资助申请.m.

I already have funding. Can I apply to Cedarville after the April 1 deadline?

是的! 只需将您的资助奖励信副本上传到OH|ID门户网站,并将副本发送给您的Cedarville顾问.


是的! Cedarville accepts Dual Enrollment students year round, 但课程将在CCP项目之外进行,并通过 Family Pay Option.

Academic Performance

What happens if I earn poor grades?

学校辅导员和家长有责任决定表现不佳的学生是否有资格参加CCP课程. 留校察看或开除的学生,由其所在高中要求其退课或自费, either through CCP Option A 或者是 Family Pay Option. 看到共产党的 underperforming student rule. Students also need to meet Cedarville's academic progress guidelines.

Can I drop a course?

CCP学生在学期开始后的两个日历周内可以放弃一门课程,并获得100%的学费退款,并且在成绩单上没有这门课程的记录. After that, students follow the drop/add schedule. 退学(W)成绩通常不会影响学生的大学GPA.

CCP Live Q&A

CCP Live 2024: Q&A for Homeschool Families


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